Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool



1.There are a total of 110 statements below. Print this form, then indicate whether you Strongly Agree, Agree Somewhat, are Undecided, Disagree Somewhat or Completely Disagree with each question. 2.Transfer your answers to the profile sheet at the end of this document. 3.Total your scores for each of the gifts. Each gift will have a score between ZERO and TWENTY. 4.Order the gifts in descending order of score. Higher scores indicate your more dominant gifts. 5.Use the List of Gifts For further study.


1) People seem to be willing to follow my leadership without much resistance.


4 - Strongly Agree               2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

3 - Agree Somewhat            1 - Disagree Somewhat


2) I like to proclaim God's Word to fellow Christians.


4 - Strongly Agree               2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

3 - Agree Somewhat            1 - Disagree Somewhat


3) It is a joy for me to proclaim God's plan of salvation to unchurched people.


4 - Strongly Agree               2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

3 - AgreeSomewhat             1 - Disagree Somewhat


4) It is enjoyable to have the responsibility of leading other people in their spiritual life.


4 - Strongly Agree               2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

3 -Agree Somewhat             I - Disagree Somewhat


5) I'm excited in helping people to discover important truths in the scriptures.


4 Strongly Agree                 2 - Undecided                     0 - Completely Disagree

3 - Agree Somewhat           1 - Disagree Somewhat


6) I have special joy singing praises to God either alone or with other people.


4 - Strongly Agree               2 - Undecided                      0 - Completely Disagree

3 - Agree Somewhat            1 - Disagree Somewhat


7) It is enjoyable to motivate people to a higher spiritual commitment.


4 - Strongly Agree               2 - Undecided                      0 - Completely Disagree

3 - Agree Somewhat            1 - Disagree Somewhat


8) People with spiritual problems seem to come to me for advice and counsel.


4 - Strongly Agree                2 - Undecided                     0 - Completely Disagree

3 - Agree Somewhat             1 - Disagree Somewhat

9) I received excellent grades in school.


          4 - Strongly Agree                 2 - Undecided                     0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat              1 - Disagree Somewhat


10) There is great joy in doing little jobs around the church.


          4 - Strongly Agree                  2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat               I - Disagree Somewhat


11) I look for opportunities to assist people in their work.


          4 - Strongly Agree                   2 - Undecided                   0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                1 - Disagree Somewhat


12) There is great joy in leading people to accomplish group goals.


          4 - Strongly Agree                   2 - Undecided                   0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                1 - Disagree Somewhat


13) I like to organize people for more effective ministry.


          4 Strongly Agree                       2 - Undecided                   0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                  I - Disagree Somewhat


14) There is great satisfaction in giving large amounts of money for the Lord's work.


         4 - Strongly Agree                    2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


15) I feel great compassion for the problems of others.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


16) It seems easy to perceive whether a person is honest or dishonest.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                  I - Disagree Somewhat


17) I am ready to try the impossible because I have a great trust in God.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                   0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


18) There is great joy in having people in my home.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat

19) I find that the repair and maintenance of things in my environment come easily to me.


           4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

           3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


 20) I seem to recognize prayer needs before others.


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                   0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


 21) I enjoy the opportunity to pray with and for a person who is Physically  ill that they may be made well


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree  

          3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


22) I adapt easily in a culture different from mine.


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                 0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                  1 - Disagree Somewhat


23) I feel a sense of authority in my relationship to the group,


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                  1 - Disagree Somewhat


24) I like to proclaim the Word of God to comfort others.


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


25) I seem able to determine when the Spirit has prepared a person to received Jesus Christ.


          4 Strongly Agree                       2 - Undecided                 0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


26) It is exciting to provide spiritual leadership for a congregation.


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                 0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


27) Teaching a Bible Class is one of the most enjoyable things I do (or could do) in the Church.


           4 - Strongly Agree                    2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

           3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat

28) God has given me the ability to play a musical instrument and I enjoy it.


          4 - Strongly Agree                    2 - Undecided                 0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                1 - Disagree Somewhat


29) It is a joy to give encouragement to people who are discouraged.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


30) I enjoy providing solutions to difficult problems in life.

       4 -
Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided             0 - Completely disagree         
       3 - Agree Somewhat                  1 - Disagree Somewhat

31) It seems easy to learn difficult truths.

         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat

32)  enjoy doing routine tasks for the glory of God.

         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat

33) I enjoy helping with the emergency tasks around the Church.


          4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                  0 - Completely Disagree

          3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


34) People seem to enjoy following me in doing an important task.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                    0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


35) There is joy in making important decisions.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                     0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


36) I find real joy in giving a generous portion of my money to the Lord.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided                     0 - Completely Disagree

         3 - Agree Somewhat                 1 - Disagree Somewhat


37) Visiting people in retirement homes gives me a great satisfaction.


         4 - Strongly Agree                     2 - Undecided&

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